HD - Hard Disk

HD in English

Acronyms Technology

The acronym HD can refer to two different meanings: “High Definition” or “Hard Disk”. Based on Abbreviation Finder, the former stands for “High Definition” and is used in most cases when referring to the image quality of a TV set. HDTV is a characteristic present in the most modern televisions that receive digital signal and present a high resolution image quality.

The standard used in HDTVs is HD Ready or Full HD. Between these two, the difference is in the detail of the image. HD Ready has 1366 x 768 pixels, while Full HD must have at least 1080 lines, presenting a complete image resolution of at least 1920 x 1080 pixels.

HD TVs have a 16: 9 wide format, unlike analog TVs that work in a 4: 3 format.

HD - High Definition

The other meaning for the acronym HD is “Hard Disk”, or “Hard Disk”. This hardware is a component of a computer or other equipment that has the purpose of storing data. This means that regardless of whether it is turned off or not, the information contained in it remains stored for use.

Generally, the GB (gigabyte) drive is used to count the storage capacity of an HD. There are hard drives that have TB (terabyte) as the unit of measurement, where each 1 TB equals 1024 GB.

The HD was created in 1956 by the giant IBM. The first was able to store only 5 MB of data and was used only internally, without commercial availability. In 1973, hardware evolved, with IBM launching an HD that had twice the storage capacity and cost an average of $ 2,000, called 30/30 Winchester.

The hard disk has a great influence on the performance as a whole of the equipment in which it is inserted. It determines, for example, the opening and loading time of programs, in addition to saving files. On a computer, the hard drive is housed in the case and connected to the motherboard.